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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 18, 2013 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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texas schools more are injured and local residents are being evacuated from the area. and still in the u.s. an arrest is made in connection with the poisoned lesser campaign in the wake of the deadly boston bombing this as a terrorist groups the nation despite tough security measures at the expense of civil liberties. us on stand by the u.s. poised two hundred troops in jordan's border with syria saying the move only aimed at preventing the two year long conflict spilling over from syria. i welcome you watching r.t. coming to you live from moscow now we start this hour with breaking news a massive explosion has hit a fertilizer plant in texas reportedly killing seventy people and injuring over one
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hundred let's get the latest now from artie's gana kiana in the states thanks for joining us this point what more can you tell us. well this was a massive explosion possibly more than a hundred people injured it was a fertilizer plant that exploded as of now we don't know what exactly happened there information is pouring in and it looks very very bad officials say they're evacuating people from new york by areas because of the possibility of another explosion at the plant what we're hearing is that there is one for two ice or tank that is still intact at the plant you see footage coming in of people were saving urgent treatment on a football field near the plant doctors there are saying that people keep coming in and helicopters are there to fly those with serious injuries to nearby hospitals hospitals are are told to be prepared to receive a large number of injuries a nearby resident said she saw the flames engulf a nursing home in an apartment complex so we can surely the number of injured could
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be much higher higher it was like and another resident remembers. saying a witness of this explosion says it was like a bomb went off so the local this is this is just overwhelming especially in light of monday's boston bombings and there is no information that these these are somehow related to knowing formation of what caused the explosion at this port liason plant in texas again i just want you there can you explain a little about the area we understand that this explosion took place in a small town just west or just north sorry of waco is that is that correct that's right that is correct that is correct and you are all right thank you very much again if you live from the states they will have more on that as we get it. we won a malicious my own skin has gripped america rough letters laced with poison were sent to president obama and other officials that the packages were intercepted by
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authorities and a man has been arrested in mississippi in connection with the case officials say the suspect is well known as a frequent letter writer to lawmakers several government offices across the u.s. have been looked down over the suspicious packages comes just days after the deadly boston bombing and the post nine eleven attacks which killed several people authorities say video footage from boston has helped him point to potential suspects. they have not been identified and no arrests have been made and while americans have given up some liberties in exchange for talking to security in the last decade they feel me this is the north korean. port nine reports. what we know so far and what the f.b.i. and secret service has disclosed is that a letter addressed to president barack obama contained substance rice and that is considered a poisonous substance that according to preliminary tests the letter that was
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addressed to him. was opened intercepted on tuesday it included that boys in the talks and some would argue that all this these increased levels of security and and encroaching on civil liberties which critics say the u.s. does has been a waste of money we should also remember that when u.s. president barack obama addressed the nation and finally called the boston marathon bombings a terrorist attack he said he doesn't know who is behind the attacks and why they would they would execute such an attack by suspect in the perpetrator will be brought to justice what that indicates is the fact that the united states at this point can't pinpoint an enemy it's not like how it was in the afternoon. the aftermath of the september eleventh attacks there is no all summer bin ladin anymore that u.s. officials point a finger at and between september eleventh and now the u.s.
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has waged two very long wars also participated in military interventions and many experts would argue has created many many enemies all over the world so now at this point the u.s. can't pinpoint its enemy they do not know if the person or people behind the boston marathon bombings is someone that is located domestically is someone that's working with or of foreign organization they do not know and i think that puts many would argue that that puts the united states at a major disadvantage. on the way a third month protest over indefinite detention we have the latest from the notorious u.s. facility where the number of hunger striking detainees is on the run is also a growing number of atheists congregate in a london church every sunday find out why in
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a couple of minutes they are not. two hundred u.s. troops are to be deployed in jordan in a bid to help contain the ongoing violence in syria the u.s. secretary of defense chuck hagel stressed this would also lay the groundwork for the possible future deployment of a larger military force has been while washington is expected to step up its supply of non-lethal aid to syrian rebels fighting against president bashar al assad the come from foreign policy in focus things washington's move jeopardizes any chance peace in the country. u.s. has talked about the fact they want to diplomatic resolution but the diplomatic resolute resolution is regime change so by supporting the infiltration of insurgents from saudi arabia from turkey from from oman from from libya
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essentially of iraq as was done in afghanistan in the one nine hundred eighty s. but doing that you essentially make it a life or death struggle with the assad regime and so i think by putting these troops here i think what you're doing is that you are sure to reinforcing the insurgency and you're taking a very clear sides in this in the civil war inside syria am i think it moves it further from the diplomatic solution. that bahrain gets ready for its top most have racing event of the year this weekend friday's formula one grand prix but it's being held under the shadow of massive social unrest this engulfed the nation for more than two years authorities are continuing their crackdown on anti regime protest is calling for more freedoms and rights were last week human rights watch said mass police officers detained twenty opposition activists sometimes media one
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say it with that war and high school was raided by security forces this week you find to gas at students human rights groups say that a growing number of human rights violations in prisons across the government denies is discriminating against the same people but demonstrators believe the monica is on the path to becoming a sunni dictatorship the state which is home to the us is fifth fleet is ranked by almost daily clashes and violence even doctors at the arrested for helping to protest this. now one of bahrain's best known human rights defend this is an appeal to jab he was imprisoned in twenty twelve three years for calling for participating in illegal gatherings but later how the sentence reduced the verdict very intense criticism both from bahrain's western allies as well as many human rights groups and we can now get more on this from him from the gulf center for human rights who work closely with the job thank you very much for
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joining us now with the world's eyes from the formula one race this weekend could it prove to be a flashpoint you think for protesters and have authorities been preparing for well . the protesters are going to continue to protest the mob in there of a human on the right the government. more so when a new willingness to listen. and we'll go. oh i think the latest is going to continue for a while. but we have a clip. in an interview with the sound chair an hour let's just take a listen to what he said then. i was in i was just detained for almost half of the and did not before the month i was beaten up in this city few months ago i was kidnapped from my home by masked security persons and they can turn on
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a place of blindfolded and handcuffed and i was tortured then was thrown back home when i said in my twitter account that i'm going to meet julian assange and i'm going to his victim in a t.v. program and last night my house was surrounded by almost one hundred policemen and . machine guns and and they realized that i was not at home didn't they just to ask my family to tell me to come to the public prosecutor today at four o'clock where i am here to do it so you're here to write that i received when i was last night and i think but what i mean what is what are you going to do or i'm going to go back i mean i have to face it in i mean it's not the first but this is destroyed this is the freedom this is democracy that we are fighting for has a cost and that we have to pay the costs and the cost might be very expensive that
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was a new job speaking attitude. during interview earlier in our can you tell us mention the struggle that what is the cost of freedom in bahrain how much do people have to suffer before they can actually get what they want or any money. i think back from the government and sense of what the striving for. when the course of the going that we had very had meet many people who lost their lives to go on in the us of the center for human rights and prison nimbly may be able to get i'm not i'm going to be and what you are there and present only because i can point to what i believe they did to me on peaceful way they have demanded that out of their own people they have thrown all their human rights at what can peacefully to defend the rights of the people so of course the course says they can't be and but when the government does not and this is. due to. the amount of the international
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community and that even human rights are going to be a since they can stand such a comment the. play would only be on but you can't be there can we have many here in the coming decades and but there is still one of these of which i'm not even meant to. implement it so there is that that he had to be. we were i would expect that people would have five o'clock pm to get that if he didn't buy it. or so just a nice picture is that it's a job has a tremendous will has had a tremendous impact on the protest movement but you feel that this movement is gaining in strength is it a people beginning to fail when of the way the crackdown is pursuing in bahrain. well i think. the movement of the people of the here need to get in the knuckle to think he's the edge because when you are less of your own government you will it's
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like do you wish on this meeting as a member of a peaceful i'm going to dish and i even wish that they're all where they want he was a peaceful means but the end the government has to be careful that they have to meet the demands of the people of other ways that i believe you were down to blindness something that we wouldn't support but the other way helpless people will do. different things so i quote from here on the. list that the people do meet is there was a peaceful protest just to relieve the. t.n.t. i'm about to learn that some activist president will. be able to form in but when you say you want the government to lessen that but is there any sign that they are listening off the team is a protest i think we have or best well i mean you know he was from we were on the
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cover of that was about him and we're. asking them to have the pleasure of or they have been frozen behind. any government. and we'll listen. because really i haven't. been been through a meet the international stepped up their respective eyes of their own people to stop telling activists that the question of their time but i think that people but in one of the continue to demand that i and then we would see a team calling its assault but that's gone and just give us a quick update on the case if an appeal it is when will he be released and when he is really feel it he will return to the protest movement. should he maybe it is my money we don't have the he's the president of the handsome to the. and morality is the beauty that is imho of the idea at. that netanyahu was bigger and i know him very well he will continue we were pretty ruthless human us with an
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actual plan to get in that court here in the world that you know all that well whether it's the. going to do with people you might like so when are you going to be really well he'll be on the scene that week on it with the saying prime minister you are there for more than forty years who do not do it again that's all if you see it and he was then as you see it. didn't do two years well he spent eight months in prison but we can tell with the pleasure of the deeds he's going to be released ok well we'll have to leave it there thank you very much mr even him that's how even him from the gulf center for human rights thank you thank you so much. and you can always go to our you tube channel to watch all of genius on his interviews including the one with an ability at jap.
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news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images are seeing from the streets of kandahar. showing operations around. and a reminder of our breaking news this hour seventy people have reportedly been killed in an explosion at a fertilizer plant in the u.s. state of texas scores more injured and local residents have been advised to evacuate from the area firefighters ambulances and helicopter support the site of the blast the course of the past is not yet known we'll bring you more information on this developing story as we get it. the warden of the guantanamo bay detention center says he expects a slow transition back to communal detention there after many hunger striking
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captives were forced into single cells last weekend officials say the number of protesters has again risen fifty to officially refusing food with the hunger strike in the middle of its month a lawyer for the detainees says they've lost all hope their indefinite captivity with that charge will ever end. my client can dory had lost about one third of his body weight he now when he stands i can put my hands around his waist that's how much weight he has lost he now can't come to the visits he's made one of the three visits i visited him more than one hundred fifty times and in that hundred fifty times he's refused four times because of his medical illnesses and he's always sent a letter of an apology this time he was unable to attend two of the three meetings i'm here to tell you the situation in guantanamo bay is becoming a humanitarian catastrophe these men have been there for eleven and a half years ninety five percent of them ninety five percent of them have no
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allegations let alone have a trial an opportunity to defend themselves ninety five percent of them have nothing alive and a half years hundreds of enhanced interrogations they have no hope they have no future i think that what we need is some leadership here from washington we have the administration on one hand saying we want to close guantanamo bay but then in two thousand and ten saying that indefinite detention is the way forward we have congress saying it it doesn't matter if these people are innocent or guilty we want them to stay in guantanamo bay the rest of their lives now if you're a prisoner who has no opportunity to defend yourself what are you thinking what does the united states stand for to you what is the world thinking as they look at this situation it's utter despair nobody has been brought to account for the past eleven and a half years yesterday we found out that a bipartisan committee has concluded that torture in fact occurred we find out that you know going forward there is no hope for these men we find out that you know the
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administration just doesn't have any leadership do you want to close guantanamo bay do you want to keep it open doesn't matter that some in congress want to keep guantanamo bay open forever irrespective of if these individuals have actually committed a crime or not why can you do how can you do that if two americans were captured would we then argue that there was men can be held until our war on the physical emotion of terror ends would that be the u.s. position i think not and it's time to analyze the situation. a co-founder of the controversial file sharing website the pirate bay he's charged with hacking and fraud in sweden is accused of breaching the security of several companies stealing personal data and attempting to make illegal online money transfers we have all the details on our website at r.t. dot com also there you will find tide of layoffs and working for pain advisors of italians protest against the worsening economic situation and demand the government steps in with a subsidy of at least
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a billion euros go online to find out why iran seven hundred thousand workers may be left without any means. washington is not yet ready to recognize the results of presidential elections in venezuela that's according to u.s. secretary of state john kerry sunday's polls in the oil rich nations saudi does designated if you go chavez nicolas maduro win by a razor thin majority prompting large scale rallies for and against his victory across the country meanwhile venezuela's supreme court has ruled there is no legal basis for a recount demanded by my daughter's opposition rival and the u.s. of a new day let the president has also claimed that washington's been trying to destabilize venezuela dr william robinson professor of sociology at university of california says this is nothing new when it comes to u.s. tactics in the region. this is not a new tactic on the part of washington another tied to the owner not
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a new tactic on the part of the new the venezuelan opposition and generally the far right in america which along with washington the idea is you have an all out to stables and this civilization campaign this is simply another tactic within that campaign there's been diplomatic isolation economic sabotage our military activity in the atlantic in two thousand and two massive us financing for the internal opposition including for property values and for the organizations that he represents and so we see this very often when these. election which is very close and when the united states wants to get rid of the government in this case them a doodle chavez with little governments around an election it will launch violence and trying to create chaos and instability and the united states will not recognize the results and this is the ed piece that this is an incredible the proper syrian a part of u.s. foreign policy because mexico just had elections in which there was massive full because mexico's a close ally of the united states it's the u.s. immediately like recognizes the results in the north the charges by opposition that
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there's fraud there is it has no moral authority whatsoever to talk about the going to sort of them elections. known challenging times many turn to the church in search of solace and support but in britain the growing number of atheists as led to the creation of an essentially new congregation in which religion is taken out of the equation artie's party boyko spoke to some of the nonbelievers about what drives them to use the house of god anyway. if you want to britain is growing number of atheists a sunday morning might present itself as an opportunity to just sleep in and relax after all there's no sunday mass to attend well not exactly more more of london's atheists are waking up on a sunday morning and going to church service and like. so much i can't even. want to call it probably but there's no talk of saints or sinners have we possibly sunday night so that pasta will be shallow because you sure it was.
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my. water it. wasn't living better in the sunday assembly sense of the term features singing. i. don't say. moralistic tales told by stand up comedians i think that probably takes a lot because it gets into our very basics of what we need as humans like being welcoming is a really big part of being i like it's our main page because we don't want to copy the past or the army. by notions that like we're forgetting sometimes to be well since its launch london has just been clamoring to attend with more known washup as turning up and can fit into the venue i was relieved. to see you do you assume a lot about it. you see coming to see
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a soldier before it was nice to get to show. quarter of brits now describe themselves as having no religion and that figure is going up by three quarters of a million annually at the same time christianity is losing more than half a million followers a year with trends as they are the number of atheists is set to overtake the number of christians by twenty thirty congregations are getting older and older and i think we're getting now to the stage where the second generation is a people who just never been in a church more and more people are finding that the church is not relevant and particularly where we have the leaders of churches taking positions on women's rights and on on gay rights which are choked here very unsure what to majority of people in the congregation think but these modern day atheists to still seeking out
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some sort of spiritual solace or we would really be shocked at how many people when we weren't expecting this number of people and i think it says something about how people feel that that would be easy for you is having something i thought you know it be interesting to kind of be in a group of people all. having a chat about how to live our lives which you don't going to get except in pubs that i mean in a church prayer few years first time ago but i could not cross the cross except for their first date cross over here that's the only one i've seen so far i think just because you don't believe in god doesn't mean that you don't want to hear really interesting to think about improving yourself to sing with others and then to have a cup of tea with people at the end i mean this is really all the best things about church without the one thing which i'm uncomfortable with which is the religion part fourteen point one million brits now describe themselves as faithless
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a label that these known washed up as feel comfortable celebrating. r t. now a reminder of our breaking news this hour seventy people have reportedly been killed in an explosion at a fertilizer plant in the u.s. state of texas schools more injured and local residents have been advised to evacuate from the area these are pictures taken from a local resident and initial fire and then a match to the explosion which occurred straight after as you can see the saying is full of emergency services at the moment i'm going sister firefighters north so helicopter support this happening in the town of west which is just north of waco in texas these are these are things that we have here at the moment and this devastating blast which we can talk more about now with our correspondent in
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the states again and again what more can you tell us at this point it has been a few hours now hasn't it since this explosion. that's right apparently dozens of buildings nearby collapsed two we're getting reports of one hundred buildings that collapse after the explosion that gives you an idea of how massive this was seventy people are reported dead but there could be considering the impact that the explosion had as people are being treated on a nearby football field they fear and no other explosion apparently there is one fertilizer tank that is still intact that the plane you have a massive fire there not only that but also toxic chemicals the cloud that the wind is taking in the direction of another town as we heard hospitals were told to be prepared to receive a large a very large number of injured in nearby president described what she saw off. by saying she saw as the flames engulf
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a nursing home in an apartment complex. another resident described it as. it was like a bomb went off he said so there is no information as to what caused the explosion. andrew you can hear me thank you very much as i am with the latest from the united states up next our report about the new gold rush in colombia that's just a couple of minutes away. to
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